Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer birthdays

On the hottest day of the year so far, we went to Enzo's buddy Jonathan's 2nd birthday party in San Gabriel. Good thing it was a water party! Here's Enzo wishing a happy birthday to the birthday boy.

Enzo wasn't a fan of all the pools with big kids splashing and being rambunctious, so he chillaxed in the best playhouse ever - complete with grill, cash register, and cell phone. Multi-tasking.

This is particularly funny to me because when I was a kid, I was ob-sessed with cash registers and adding machines. I had about five or seven at any given time and I'd take all the shampoo, soap and toiletries out from under all the bathroom counters and pretend I was a cashier ringing up all the items. When I saw Enzo immediately drawn to the cash register, I was like, yep that's my kid.
My lovely OLDER sister Josie had a birthday as well, and we all celebrated her with a nice dinner at a Japanese steakhouse.

Look at Gianna eyeing the steak. This was right before she opened wide.

Enzo liked mommy's ice cream cake...

... made from scratch, transported an hour to Corona, and eaten by all of us (and the restaurant staff.) There was no way that thing was making it all the way home. It was a chocolate fudge and raspberry slush/smoothie cake. But tasted pretty excellent. Josie's birthday wish came true -- "ice cream and cake and cake."

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