Monday, August 25, 2008

"An Outward Sign of God's Grace"

"What is a sacrament?" the Deacon asks at Baptism class. Ugh, shoot. Darn it! I remember this from 2nd grade. Wait, I got it. St. Louise School. Mrs. Alba. Hold on, I almost have it. After 16 years of Catholic school, you'd think it would flow (like Enzo's spew) from my mouth.

Leave that to the clown in the back of the room who confidently proclaims, "an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace." Are you kidding me? The Deacon throws him a candy.

This is going to be a loooong night...

The class that I thought was an hour was 2 and a half hours and I thought I'd want to jump in front of traffic after how it started. But actually, our Baptism prep class was really insightful and meaningful. We talked about the symbolism of Baptism. We talked about the Sacrament being more about introducing Enzo to having a relationship with God and less about wiping away Original Sin. We talked about how our religious and spiritual lives will be the example to Enzo. We wrote a prayer to God for Enzo. And of course, I cried. (What is happening to me?!)

Enzo spent the evening with my mom because when I asked if we can bring the baby, the Deacon told us it would be best to leave him with Grandma. Yeah, then out of the 15 families there, there were 4 babies being carried in. Ugh!!! Me=jealous.

By the way, the lucky Godparents who get to be Enzo's spiritual advisers for his whole life are John Gaudio and Josie Jesmer. Actually, it's Enzo who's super lucky.
You like how Enzo asked them to be Godparents?

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