Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Guess who slept in his big-boy crib?

Nope, not Jeff. Enzo!! Since I needed to pack up for our upcoming trip to Hawaii, I needed my bedroom back. It was time for Enzo to graduate from the mini-me bassinet that has been situated next to our bed (which he is about 4 inches from outgrowing at this point) to the spacious sleigh-crib in the nursery. We gently placed Enzo in his crib and he slept for ten hours. Woo hoo! It was so nice to not have to brush my teeth and wash my face in the dark for fear of waking him up. Let me just say that I awoke with every little noise amplified on the baby video/audio monitor. And the neighbors' squeeky garage door needs to be greased!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a little worried when I first saw that heading Jeff!