Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The nanny sitch

So, I really can't believe I haven't mentioned this before now. It's been cause for much anguish, stress, and many sleepness nights. (And non-productive pumping sessions.) Nancy, our fantastic nanny, left us in mid-December, forcing us to start all over searching for a replacement. Right when Jeff and I were finally getting comfortable leaving Enzo with someone each day, one of her former families made her an offer she couldn't refuse. A full-time live-in nanny position. Living rent-free for a student was pretty appealing apparently -- even though we had a year-long agreement that she would work with our family. I've let it go -- can you tell?

(Un)fortunately, Josie was laid off and has been able to be our childcare savior these past several weeks. Good for us. Good for Enzo. Good for Josie. The two of them have had a fantastic time together. And Enzo has taken it like a champ.

We are nearing the end of our search. I'm looking forward to not having any more late-evening meetings with strangers at the Corner Bakery. Enough is enough. We think we've found our nanny. Now, if she can just be as good as Nancy and Josie. She has big shoes to fill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy Jo! I have finally settled in and gotten use to the new life I'm living. Finally, I have a moment to catch up with the Luna Family blog. Love reading it! I've been meaning to write/email you. I wanted to say Thank You for coming to my seminar grad. It was a HUGE surprise and since that day on I knew my life was going to change for the better. My thinking is just much more positive and determined. Even though I won't be able to see you guys much often, but I have a feeling that you guys will be there for me when times are needed big time, and ditto for you guys. We need to get together! OH by the way...Vietnamese/Chinese New Year just passed. It was two weeks ago. The tradition is to give a child a lucky red envelope to give him good health, wealth, abundance, passion, and love all year round. I have one for Enzo! I thought of him and all the boys I've watched. (Can you believe I've watched all boys in my nanny career?) Hahaha...well gosh I have so much to write I should start a blog of my own! Talk to you soon and love you guys.