Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy birthday to Jeff!

In honor of Jeff's 35th, we had a party with a bunch of friends to celebrate. We tried to have lots of things Jeff likes: melty liquid nacho cheese (cheese fondue fountain), spicy beef (gourmet chicken wings), fruity chick drinks (the specially formulated "3-5" stirred up by Claire), fire (a fire pit), camping in the outdoors (camping chairs and s'mores), and good friends.

Here, his birthday s'more, aglow with a single candle, as everyone sang his birthday song.

Each person wore either a 3 or 5 around their neck, decorated with pictures of Jeff. Each 35 pair came up with a special poem, song, or rhyme using words that are found in Jeff's full name. Some of the faves that are being read in this pic:
"Filthy elf he ain't. Run free in the Maui sun. Adventurous man."
"To Jeff we would like to give a toast.
He is a rather terrific host.
Jeff is one who likes to wear leather.
Even in very bad weather.
He likes to think of himself a romantic
but Amy-Jo claims he's tantric.
So raise your glass to give cheers
for Jeff Luna's 35 years."
"The man of the hour is Jeff.
In our supper club he is a fantastic chef.
No matter what the weather
He will be your technical trainer.
The best bargain is Costco he will claim
On the wall there should hang his picture in a frame.
In this year of 35
we are so happy that he's alive."
And, after most people left, and Enzo was snuggly in his crib (having been partied out), we played more hilarious games and Jeff toasted himself with a chicken wing -- mostly all over his face.
Happy birthday, Jeff!

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