Thursday, July 24, 2008

Very First Play Date, and E's Colon

Today, we had a very special visit from Suzanne and her son Steven, who is a few weeks older than Enzo. Steven is Enzo's first older (and more mature) friend. It was a lot of fun. The boys took turns nursing, spitting up, and trouser-burping. And lounging on their Boppy pillows. Thanks for the hot tea and bagel, Suzanne!

...And the results are in -- no pyloric stenosis for Enzo. His esophegus is strong, so there doesn't seem to be a medical reason for his projectile spew and his sore tummy. There wasn't evidence of reflux (because of course he didn't spew when the doctor was looking!), but there was "significant colon gas." Whoah boy. The doctor is hopeful he'll outgrow it in about a month or so... Until then, anti-gas drops, bibs, and burp cloths galore. And warm towels on the tummy, bouncing on the fitball, pacing this hallways, and singing and swinging for about an hour a day. I can live with it, as long as E's okay. Thanks for all your suggestions and remedies!

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