Monday, July 21, 2008

An Upper GI to Lower our Anxiety

It was much more traumatic for me than him, I think. That's cause I've had one before and know what the barium tastes like. Fortunately, it was time for him to eat anyway, so he took the bottle full of barium like a champ.

Because we received incomplete instructions from the scheduling lady, and he had a snap on his outfit, we had to strip him naked and lay him on a cold table in a freezing cold room. It was the stretching him and pinning him down while he screamed that was particularly difficult. I did get to watch the barium mixture move through Enzo's little body, which was pretty fascinating. And I was glad to have the (what felt like) 50 lb weighted apron taken off after about 20 minutes.

We got through it, though, and am eagerly awaiting the results. Of course, he didn't spit up in front of the doctors or while be x-rayed...

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