Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hittin' the Bottle

So, today we opened up the Medela breast pump and took it on its maiden voyage. SUCCESS! (and a little ouch!) Jeff got the honor of giving Enzo his very first bottle - which he proceeded to guzzle in about 1 minute 30 seconds (2 oz.!) All that hard work disappeared so quickly! But he seemed to like it, so it's worth it, I guess.
Now, we don't have to be in Target or any other public establishment and have to run out to the car when Enzo decides he's hungry and becomes hysterical (which has been every two hours, give or take). Since he nurses for about 45 minutes, that means that by the time we're done, I have about an hour before he needs to be fed again. Making a mad dash to the grocery store just doesn't seem to be working, and I never get the timing quite right.
Perhaps taking a bottle with me with allow us all just a little more freedom.
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