Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas #1, #2 and #3

Good Christmas morning!

Foxy was the first one to check out what Santa had brought.

Family's first Christmas (with LOTS of bannister garland in the forefront.)

Enzo and Gianna say, "Merry Christmas. Now show me the goodies!" No, actually Enzo said "Baby Jesus get born?"

Santa Claus took out the reindeer cupcake, cookies and milk. And wrote a nice note, for the memories box.

It was like Gianna had done this before. She tore into the paper. And didn't even eat it. Much.

Enzo helped to show her the ropes.

Choo choo churain!

Enzo thanks Grandbob for the very first gifts under the tree!

Gotta love the camera timer.

After a nice and relaxing Christmas morning at home (between the coughs, runny noses and headaches), we travelled to Long Beach to my Aunt Mary Jo's house. Claire, Tim, Kayden and Enzo. (Oh, I just noticed silly Auntie Godmother in the background. Heh.)

Goof and Goofy. Enzo and Counsin Andrew.

Costume change. Thanks, Ma, for both outfits. Adorbs.

Christmas destination #3: Nana and Grumpy's. And our first meeting of Briana and Jared's brand new Jules. So teenie, quiet and presh.

Erika with Gianna and Enzo. Jared with new big brother, Lukas. (By now it's like 8 pm and dinner is starting. Sleeeeepy kiddos.)

Great Nana, Great Auntie Laura and pooped Baby G. By the time present opening commenced at around 10 pm, the kids were taking turns screaming and sleeping. Overstimulated. Overtired. Overdone. We felt really bad, but we loaded up the generous pile of unopen gifts, ran the kids through the pouring rain to the car and headed home.

(This is going to make my blog posts out of order, which will drive me crazy, but for ease, here goes.)
Day after Christmas: Mimi's house for Christmas brunch!! The fun never ends. Enzo and I drink some coffee in our new play tent. Notice the brand new grocery cart!! (Best of all, it's made from flexible plastic. My walls and furniture thank you, Ma.)

G's getting her money's worth from this Santa velour jammie ensemble.

Now, we all have Singamajigs! Eghem, I mean, the kids do.

As tradition has it, the youngest in the family places Baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas morning. Or the day after Christmas. Whatevs. This is after she stuck Jesus' head in her mouth.

I'm serious when I say that this year Christmas would never end. We spent my birthday morning on the 27th opening up a thousand Christmas gifts from Nana and Grumpy's house. It was immediately following this that I realized we'd need to spend the day at the pediatrician's. Coughs got worse, Enzo had a burning fever, and "Mama, my ears hurt!" became his mantra.

Despite being pretty sick and caring for two other sickies, I truly enjoyed being with family this Christmas. Merry Christmas!

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