Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from the Lizard Monster

When Mema (now she wants to be called Mema instead of Nonna -- I have a feeling Enzo will decide...) bought this lizard costume, it looked waaay big, but tonight Enzo was busting it at the seams. It's a good thing he didn't have any candy!

I pretty much missed the festivities. And by festivities I mean helping Jeff hand out treats with Enzo all dressed up. A few neighbors stopped by, wanting to see Enzo in his first Halloween costume. With the biggest alumni event of the year tomorrow, I was at the office later than expected, and didn't get to dress up my little monster. He didn't seem to mind.

The five groups of kids who came by really liked the play-dough we gave out instead of candy. And, we didn't even get our house t.p.'d. I have a feeling next year's Halloween will be much different.

1 comment:

rembaker said...

Wow, you guys he's so bigg!!!! I wish we lived closer to have playdates. Devan would LOVE him. I hope everything is well and Enzo is not having crying sessions anymore. Lub you!