Saturday, May 24, 2008

2 week birthday update

Over the last few days, Enzo has grown alot. He was weighed in today at 7lbs. 14 oz. Babies should return to their birthweight at 2 weeks. Enzo went beyond his birth weight and we are excited for him. Enzo is getting stronger (his legs kick alot when changing diapers) and his chest is getting fuller. Nurse Ann even had Enzo take a few steps.
Jessica and Dominic stopped by last night and commented on how Enzo's facial features are more pronounced and he has more facial features. Enzo has hit his first growth spurt without any performance enhancing formula.

1 comment:

Auntie Jo said...

Enzo is the sweetest little guy ever. Congratulations Amy-Jo and Jeff. Before you know it he will be tossing a football with his big cousins, Scott and Andrew.