Monday, March 23, 2009

Brooke the Nanny

Today, Brooke started taking care of Enzo. I realized how far I'd come in six months. I remember how guilty, fearful, anxious, jumpy and nervous I felt when Nancy started caring for Enzo back in September, when I returned to work after maternity leave. She was great, but opportunities in her life took her in a new direction. We all miss her, but have been good at keeping in touch.

In the meantime, Josie has been faithfully loving and caring for E twice a week -- and she's loved every minute of it. So has Enzo.

This morning, as Brooke arrived at 6:10 am, I felt a little uneasy, but not nearly as panicked as when I left him those six months ago. She has spent a few half-days with us together and Enzo seems to like her. (Although, he really likes everyone. He's such the social butterfly!) She texted me pics and videos and had a very good day with him.

She's the new addition to our family.

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