Monday, January 31, 2011

10 months

(Dear I hate how it's impossible to import pictures that have been rotated. It's either you, Picassa or user error. Readers, please advise.)

Gianna turned 10 months, and she is really becoming funny, personality-filled, vocal, silly, mobile and daring. She's as old as she was cooking in my oven.

Here she learns that she can rock - and I mean ROCK - the glider. I thought she might catapult herself across her room!

And, of the 68 shots I took of her with her 10-month sign, this is the only one with her face and the "10 months." Of course it's blurry.

Sign, but not face.

At some point, we fell about 4 weeks behind on Gianna's well-baby visits. So, for her 9 month visit, we saw the doctor at 10 months. She's in great health.

Her stats: Weight 21 lbs. (75%), height 28 3/4" (75%), head circumference 43.5 cm. (25%). When Doc asked how her fussiness in the evenings was, I was able to proudly report that it had been at least 3 weeks free from spontaneous screaming fits. Really. Is it gone?
We spent the past month exploring and learning many new things. We returned to the Long Beach Aquarium. It was really the first time that Gianna wanted to interact with the animals and move around. And it was a lot more fun for Jeff and me, too!

She's probably saying "aahhhhhhh," or "mammma," or "daddda," or "ughghhg," or "eeeeeeeeeiii," or "daaaaoooggg." Some of her faves.
Same thing goes for the park. This month, Gianna showed a lot more interest in getting on the swings and sliding down the slides. Feeling the sand between her toes. I wonder if we've been doing her a disservice, parking her in the stroller or on a blanket as we entertain Enzo and keep him from launching himself 10 feet down to an injury. Her exhuberence tells me that perhaps we should have been doing this all along. Whoops.

Her laughter. Contagious. She still loves her some tickles!!

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