Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun

Aren't these the cutest polka-dotted creatures you've ever seen? Enzo=cow. Gianna=ladybug. Muah!

This shot just cracks me up. Don't squish the bug on the ground!

This was Enzo's first trick or treat house. We have been practicing for weeks. "Trruick a trreeat, puhlease. Haaappy Halloweine. Candy puhlease. Thanckyuuu."

Best trick or treating house EVER! They had a spotlight pointed toward their porch and they gave out candy AND balloons. They were the couple from UP!, the movie. Even had the themesong playing. Love!! (Um, yeah. That's Jeff with the hands-free headlamp. Two words: Chilean miner.)

Jeff did this one with the dremel. He was quite proud. Meow!

This one paid homage to Gianna during a bad tummy day. Crying, spewing, gaping. Makes for a sad day, but an awesome jack-o-lantern.

Out of aaaalll the pumpkins, it took Enzo 23 seconds to choose this one.

It looks like this shark is about to swallow my boys!!

Please. What other set of parents send their 2 year old into a petting zoo dressed like a cow??


This bovine child was VERY popular among the occupants of this travelling petting zoo.

Trunk or treating was AWESOME!! This skeleton hand reached into the trunk and pulled out CANDY!!!!

"I love Halloweeeeen!!"

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